Ezra, Nehemiah and Jerusalem Return!

Question: what is the meaning and significance of Ezra in the study of understanding the Old Testament?


Ezra, and Nehemiah, were instrumental in the return of the Jewish captives from Babylon, after the 70 year exile from their homeland; which was because of their reneging on their Vows  to God! 

Ezra led the first and subsequent waves of groups of returnees to Jerusalem (Chosen by God, for His Name to Dwell), and dealt with the protestations of groups of people who had settled in the Land.

He started the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple and Walls; and when the time was right regarding the Jewish returnees, he instituted the reading of the Bible in public, even in bad weather; so as to establish the TRUE God in the mind and hearts of the people, and to get the re-established nation on the Right footing from the New Beginning!

Nehemiah played a large part in the Approvals of the then King of Babylon (Artaxerxes), to ensure he was kept informed, and to keep getting approvals for the various work and administration activities, which ensured that the enemies of Israel could not use Political and Legal means to delay or stop the rebuilding of Jerusalem; and the return of most of the Jews from Babylon!

Thus; the Jews had a restart in their occupation, and Nation building in Jerusalem.  After their failures and corruptions from the start of their Vows to God in Deuteronomy 27; which were so severely broken (see Malachi and many places in the Old Testament); God graciously allowed that restart, due to the prayers of Daniel, Esther, and many others for Israel!

Unfortunately; the lesson was not taken to heart by Israel (especially the ruling Sanhedrin and Rabbi’s) and history shows that after the Roman occupation, and Destruction of the Temple, the Jews were/are “dispersed” worldwide, which is the result of their rejection of Messiah Jesus to save them from themselves; and will remain thus until the events of Zech.12:10; after which they will be gloriously Salvaged (saved) by their Father God; (see Ezek. 39:21–29) “FOR HIS NAMES SAKE”!!


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